Hunger is
FEATURE: global economy
livestock policy of the Government and the economic crisis triggered the poverty
In Argentina, a major agricultural export powers, too. In a country with capacity to feed 400 million people, as acknowledged by its president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina 2.5 million go hungry, as calculated by a center connected to the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) from official data. No wonder campaign called Hunger is a crime
, which dates from the 2001 crisis in Argentina and that persists, despite the social picture has improved since then.
So far in 2011, in a northern province of Salta
, there have already been 10 deaths of children from malnutrition.
Last October, another northern district,
missions, the provincial governor admitted that in 10 months of 2010 had killed 206 other children. Boys coordinator of the People, Alberto Morlachetti
, note that in the congress CTA will discuss the organization of a march denouncing the hunger and go from the capital missionary Posadas to Buenos Aires, to 1,040 miles away.
"local social organizations ask us to spend in the path of currents, Goya, Concordia, Rosario. Is that the situation is not good, bad," laments Morlachetti. In some kitchens in Buenos Aires and its surroundings, the number of children and adults enrolled has increased since late 2010.
A work of the Centre for Research and Education in Argentina (number) of the CTA shows that the poverty-that is, the lack of sufficient income to purchase basic food- down from 27.7% in 2003 to 6.4% of the 40 million Argentines in the second quarter of 2010 (latest data available) encryption is guided by the figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INDEC) to 2007, when this public began to underestimate inflation and therefore the number of homeless, which he estimates is only 3.1%
Since 2007, the encryption used the consumer price index ( IPC) to produce statistical offices in seven provinces in Argentina for comparison with the survey of household income by INDEC. indicator of poverty, insufficient income to meet the needs basic, not just food, but also education, health, clothing and transportation, also varies as to measure the NUMBER (23.8%) and INDEC (12%)
The social landscape of Argentina was improving since the crisis 2001 to 2007, when high inflation "stopped almost completely" reducing poverty and brands stabilized prior to that debacle, but high for the country's history. That's the conclusion of a study by three researchers at the Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES), Roberto Frenkel and Roxana Maurizio Damill Mario, who also compared the inflation data for the provinces with revenue from the INDEC.
data agree with that observation and contradict the government: poverty fell from 54% in 2003 to 25.2% in 2006 and later, despite the high growth only interrupted by the global crisis in 2009 and despite grant In 2010 the Government created 3.7 million children under 18 are unemployed and informal workers, the index decreased to 23.8% just
Homelessness rose from 8.5% in 2006 to 6.4% second quarter of 2010, before the global escalation of food prices.
One of the provinces that measure inflation is Santa Fe, the third in population.
According to their data, food is more expensive in 2010 to 37.6% over wage increases as measured by the INDEC (26.4%) Frenkel
not attribute the price rise both to the overall increase, but the consequences of livestock policy of the Government, which restricted exports of beef and so discouraged activity for soybean planting, which exports almost all of Asia and Europe.
In January, food prices rose in Santa Fe much less than in previous months, 0.6%, and its governor, the socialist Hermes Binner, which attributed to the increases have hurt the purchasing power sectors with lower incomes.
"There are two Argentinas, one that consumes more and another, which can not buy beef, vegetables and fruits" Binner said, you just admit that he is in the race to deal with Fernandez in the October presidential elections.
child in a center of the Foundation of Life Project in Grand Bourg, on the northern outskirts of Buenos Aires, operates a dining room for 50 children attending.
One of its leaders, Santiago Casares, says the number has not changed in recent months.
"It's a low-income neighborhood, but not extremely poor," said Casares.
However, in another town in the north of Buenos Aires, Hurlingham, in charge of the dining San Jose, Raimunda, said that "obviously" more and more people come to beg for food, "on all young couples.
Serves 182 people, but has a waiting list to 28 families and seven elderly couples.
"If I work, no need," he says.
Unemployment rises to 7.3%, lower in many developed countries, but within the Latin American average "
too high" because it is structural unemployment, according to a recent report by the Center for Development Studies Argentino (CENDA).
"At the end of 2010 started more people come, "said Cielo, by a dining room Hidden City, a slum district of the capital.
Before 300 children and mothers attending.
now 350.
"It is to substantially increase food prices," justifies the leader of the civil partnership the Will of Heaven.
In Buenos Aires, Sandra, dining Los Angelitos, Villa Lugano, observed the same phenomenon: "At night we went from 160 people to 180
At noon, 100 to 110.
Many have no work and child allowance (38 euros per month) does not cover all needs. " Morlachetti defined as a Marxist, but says that until capitalism
"seriously" that preaches
Fernandez could defeat hunger in Argentina, a force of more redistribution of wealth
El Pais (Spain)
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