As Director of the Canary Islands Institute of Psychiatry (ICAPSI ® ) want, in the holidays of Christmas and on behalf of the Institute, warm congratulations and best wishes to all fellow psychiatrists and all the friends who have visited our blog and, in barely 11 months of operation, now totaling nearly 23,000 visits from 37 countries worldwide. Are from Spain (Canary Islands, Madrid, Catalonia, Basque Country, Valencia, Malaga, Cadiz, Gijon, Ciudad Real, Baleares, Granada, Almeria, Extremadura, Oviedo ...), Mexico, Uruguay, United States, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador , Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Cuba, Switzerland, France, Canada, Czech Republic, Honduras, Russia, Turkey, Australia, Aruba, Brazil, Denmark , Belgium, India, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands and Poland.
I also want to extend congratulations to the Board of the Institute, the Scientific Committee and all contributors and supporters who support and encourage them to continue in our efforts. In particular, I congratulate and express my gratitude to the Editor / Director of the newspaper " DAY", Tenerife, who has believed and fully supported from the outset the Canarian Institute of Psychiatry ( ICAPSI ®).
Dr. Miguel Perez-Camacho Duque
Director Institute of Psychiatry, ICAPSI ®), I Would like to send my warmest season's greetings and best wishes to all the friends and fellow Psychiatrists Who Have Visit our blog. In just 11 months We Have Received close to 23,000 visits from 37 Countries all over the world Spain (Canary Islands, Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia, Malaga, Cadiz, Gijon, Ciudad Real, Balearic Islands, Granada, Extremadura, Oviedo ...), Mexico, Uruguay, USA, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Colombia , Ecuador, Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Dominican Republic, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Cuba, Switzerland, France, Canada, Czech Republic, Honduras, Russia, Turkey, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Denmark, Belgium, India, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Netherlands and Poland).
I Would also like to greet the members of the Institute's Board, of the Scientific Committee and All Our collaborators and supporters and Stimulate Who help us Pursuing Our Goals. Especially, I Would like to send my gratitude to the Editor-Director of the Tenerife daily "THE DAY" Who Firmly Believed and Support the Canarian Institute of Psychiatry (ICAPSI ®) from the very Beginning.
Dr. Miguel Perez-Camacho Duque